Finding Home—A Short Story

She closed her eyes against the gaping white canvas. There was a time when she could get lost inside a world of her own making. Just her and a paint brush against the boring gray world of school institutions and suburban life.

But now…now…

Sighing, she laid the brush aside and pushed to her feet. The square window flickered with the coming storm. She flicked out the light and stood leaning against the window frame. Outside heat lightening stitched through the night sky illuminating the edges of dark clouds, and she smiled.

She could almost hear the wind in the trees at Gramma’s house, feel the electricity lift the hairs on her arms. With the lights still dim, a pencil in hand, she sketched the trees against the dark sky, glowing behind clouds. She may not ever have Gramma back, but she could bring Gramma’s house to canvas, remember the only place that was homeshare the beauty, stoke inspiration for other.

This post is a response to the Five Minute Friday prompt: Inspire. The rule is no editing (although I can’t stop myself a little. I am an editor after all). It’s obviously no longer Friday. I spent more than a few hours with my kids as they sold their crafts at craft sales. I’m slightly burnt and dehydrated, but I loved the chance to let my kids have a little taste of entrepreneurship. I pray you’ll have a wonderful week.




8 thoughts on “Finding Home—A Short Story

  1. Beautiful words and photo, as always, Janyre. A bright spot in my dark afternoon. Did you take the photo? Thank you for sharing your work.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Pearl. This is one of the few photos I’ve used that isn’t mine. I have absolutely no luck capturing lightning bolts!

  2. Such rich details! I was ready to read more. Thanks for sharing. Stopping by from FMF. Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Leigh! Glad to have you here and glad you liked my little story.

  3. Hello, Janyre. I think this may be my first time here, and I’m so glad I stopped by. You have a beautiful gift for word pictures. I thoroughly enjoyed the emotions you evoked in the electrical storm and capturing your grandmothers house.
    Have a wonderful week! 🙂
    Shauna (your FMF neighbour in #78)

    1. Hi Shauna,
      Thank you for the visit. I’m glad you like my story. Scene is such a great way to evoke emotion. It’s one of my favorite techniques 🙂

  4. You painted a vivid portrait of how grief can dampen creativity but memories of a loved one can be inspiring. Thanks.

  5. I love that you are doing fiction for five minute Friday. I like your stories!

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